Rotational Grazing at Kirkview Farms
The team at Kirkview farms believes that adding rotational grazing to your land will provide significant benefits to your farm. It can aid in rebuilding soil health, reducing input costs and improves animal health. Mike, the host for this field day, will review the...Trialing No-till Potatoes with Cover Crops: Year Three
Since 2021, Ken has been developing a medium-scale production system for organic potatoes that requires no in-season hilling or weeding. Using winter rye as a cover crop, he is now in the third year of testing the system with some success. Field days are a great way...Willow Creek Permaculture Farm
Rob Read and Julie Walter and their children are integrating permaculture into their lifestyle on the 50 acre farm they care for near Dutton, Ontario. This field day will be a tour with a brief overview of the Willow Creek interpretation of permaculture. Depending on...40th Anniversary
It’s a big year for the EFAO. We’ve just turned 40 years old. It all began in 1979 with a few farmers meeting around kitchen tables when ecological farming was on the fringe.