Thank you to all who attended the 2024 EFAO Conference!
300+ attendees • 2-day trade show • 30 workshops • 2 keynotes
+ banquet dinner & socials
EFAO’s annual conference draws farmers, growers, and food producers from across the food system for two days of intensive learning, idea-sharing, networking and celebration with good food and friends. With over 300 attendees, the EFAO Conference connects you with people who care passionately about farming and food.
Program at a Glance
Download a PDF version of the conference schedule.
December 2nd, 2024
9:30am – 12:30pm: Farmer-Led Research Symposium (online) – REGISTER HERE
December 3rd, 2024
Earth & Sky Indigenous Growers Gathering – REGISTER HERE
December 4th, 2024
December 5th, 2024

Registration for the 2024 EFAO Conference has now closed.
EFAO Member Rates
Standard Rates
Members save $65 on a full conference registration! Learn more about EFAO Membership.
The following add-ons are available for purchase during registration:
Tuesday Welcome Dinner – $45
Gather with other conference and Indigenous gathering participants on Tuesday evening to reconnect and chat over a casual dinner.
Wednesday Conference Breakfast – $26
Whether you’re staying overnight or arriving early, start your day off right with a buffet breakfast specially prepared for conference guests.
Wednesday Banquet Dinner & Campfire Jam – $65
Join us for the EFAO Conference Banquet Dinner! A delicious buffet-style meal highlighting local ecological growers, followed by a campfire-style jam session, community art activities and good conversation with new and old friends.
Thursday Conference Breakfast – $26
Whether you’re staying overnight or arriving early, start your day off right with a buffet breakfast specially prepared for conference guests.

Carrot Cache Innovation Prize


Agriculture Wellness Ontario
Gold Sponsor

Small Farm Canada
Silver Sponsor

MD Micros
Silver Sponsor

New Society Publishers
Silver Sponsor

Yorkshire Valley Farms
Silver Sponsor

Pfenning's Organic
Bronze Sponsor

Dovetail Workwear
Bronze Sponsor

Heartwood Farm & Cidery
Bronze Sponsor
Become an EFAO Conference Sponsor or Exhibitor
Trade Show Exhibitors

Canadian Organic Growers


Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association

High Mowing Organic Seeds

National Capital Commission

Organic Council of Ontario

National Farmers Union – Ontario

Ignatius Farm New Farmer Training Program


Multi-Shelter Solutions

E&F Sauder

Agriculture Wellness Ontario

Canadian Biotechnology Action Network


Sustain Ontario

KASSI (Kingston Area Seed System Initiative)

Grow Insight Consulting Inc.

Water Farmers

New Society Publishers

MD Micros


Alfalfa Green Organic Fertilizers
Conference Supporting Partners

Bauta Family Initiative on Canadian Seed Security

Canadian Organic Growers

Organic Council of Ontario

Farms at Work

National Farmers Union - Ontario

Sustain Ontario

Ontario Soil Network
Additional Conference Information

Child Care & Family Room
Free childcare is available for kids 12 and under from 8:45am to 12:00pm, and 1:30pm to 5:15pm on both conference days. Payment is only required for childrens’ meals.
All kids’ & youth breakfasts: $15
Kid’s Lunch (12 and under): $18
Youth Lunch (13-18): $35
Kid’s Banquet Dinner (12 and under): $27
Youth Banquet Dinner (13-18): $65
Please indicate interest in child care on your conference registration. Kids’ meals can be purchased here.
We are looking for individuals with childcare experience who are interested in volunteering for a half day in the childcare room, in exchange for a half day conference pass (+lunch). Please contact conference@efao.ca.

In order to make the conference accessible to all farmers and future farmers in Ontario, EFAO strives to reduce financial barriers for registration by using a Sliding Scale model. To register, please complete this form.
Not attending the conference but interested in sponsoring a farmer to attend? Donate today!

Hotel Rooms
Rooms at the DoubleTree by Hilton have been blocked at a special conference rate of $159 for standard rooms (one king or two queen beds) or studio suites.
Breakfast is not included in overnight accommodations and can be purchased separately through conference registration.
Call the hotel directly to book as part of EFAO’s negotiated rate, space permitting: 613-548-3605.
More information is available here.

Youth Rate
Youth ages 13 to 18 who wish to attend conference sessions can register for the conference for $65 per day with an accompanying adult. for a single day pass.
Wednesday Banquet Dinner:
Kids (12 and under) – $27
Youth (13 to 18) – $65
To register as a youth please contact us for more information.

Conference meals will feature food provided by EFAO members and other local ecological farmers and food providers. You don’t want to miss the Wednesday Banquet Dinner! A delicious meal, entertainment and activities, and good conversation with new and old friends.
Kids’ meals can be purchased here.
EFAO has reserved a small meeting room for use during meal times with the purpose of offering a space with a HEPA filter to attendees who need to take extra precautions against viral illnesses. This room has a capacity limit of 15 people. Therefore, EFAO asks that folks accessing this space only use the room for time needed to eat, in order to allow more space and time for others to use the room. Please contact us or visit the registration desk if you have any questions.

Campfire Jam
After the Wednesday Banquet Dinner, join us for a campfire jam session, an interactive art activity and great conversation.
Join EFAO Staff and Board members for songs around the proverbial campfire! Bring your singing voice, your acoustic musical instruments, and your favourite campfire jams. Join in the merriment as we celebrate the ecological farming community with music. All are welcome to join in and share music, regardless of your musical background. Teach us something new!
A song list will be provided and lyrics & chords will be projected on the wall so all can sing along. If you’re musically inclined and would like to lead or suggest some songs, please reach out to laura@efao.ca.

Acessibility Info
Please contact us if you require any accommodations in order to participate in the Conference, or have any medical conditions (for example, severe allergies) you would like EFAO and/or the hotel staff to be aware of. Please note that although EFAO strives to make the Conference accessible, it may not be possible to accommodate all requests.
Although wearing a mask is no longer mandatory, you are always welcome to do so, as it remains a strongly recommended practice by public health authorities to reduce the transmission of respiratory illness, including COVID-19, especially when symptoms are present. EFAO will continue to follow all public health guidelines.
The conference venue, meeting rooms, hotel, and other on-site facilities are all physically accessible. To confirm specific accessibility features and services, please be in touch at conference@efao.ca or call the hotel at +1 613-548-3605.
Please see Meals for details of mealtime accommodations for those wishing to take extra precautions.

Ride Sharing
In an effort to help you find a ride to the conference, reduce emissions from transportation, and save money on gas, we’ve created a public spreadsheet where you can post your ride or that you are looking for one.
We urge any and all members who are driving from a distance to consider offering a ride! Make a new friend, save some money, and reduce emissions 🙂 It’s a win – win – win.
Big thanks to our generous funders!