Indigenous Outreach & Engagement

Jesse Way stands in foreground of photo in sand coloured shorts and a light t shirt, wearing a ball cap and looking down at the soil nitrate analysis sample he is collecting from a field of vegetables

Soil Testing

Supporting soil testing for gardens and growing spaces for Indigenous growers and communities. 
Research Library


Facilitating one-on-one mentorship arrangements for Indigenous growers.


Knowledge-sharing events and gatherings for and by Indigenous communities.


Articles and video resources featuring Indigenous growers.


Knowledge-sharing events and gatherings for and by Indigenous communities.

Soil Testing

Supporting soil testing for gardens and growing spaces for Indigenous growers and communities


If you are wondering about the fertility, nutrient balance, or health of the soil in your garden or future growing space but aren’t sure where to start, EFAO can help! Please reach out for information on how to test your soil, what test to choose, and how to interpret soil test results. EFAO can cover the cost of certain soil tests, and provide follow-up support.


Interested in learning more? Reach out to  


Facilitating one-on-one mentorship arrangements for Indigenous growers.


EFAO can help link you with an experienced grower for a series of knowledge-sharing meetings by phone, online and/or in-person. Mentors will help guide new growers through the season, sharing their experience and insights. 


Typically, mentorships begin in April and continue to the end of the season or into the winter, with the mentee receiving approximately 25-30 hours or more of support from mentors. However, mentorship arrangements can be flexible to meet the needs of the mentee. 

Interested in learning more? Reach out to


Articles and video resources featuring Indigenous growers.

Would you like to be notified of future events hosted by and for Indigenous growers?

Have a question about EFAO’s Indigenous Outreach & Engagement initiative? Please reach out to



Support for this initiative has been provided by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs