Virtual Research Office Hours

Virtual Research Office Hours

It’s that time of year again—time to start shaping your questions and curiosities into research ideas!  The virtual Research Office Hours are an open space to ask questions about EFAO’s Farmer-Led Research Program, and join research staff, farmer-researchers and...
Virtual Research Office Hours

Virtual Research Office Hours

It’s that time of year again—time to start shaping your questions and curiosities into research ideas!  The virtual Research Office Hours are an open space to ask questions about EFAO’s Farmer-Led Research Program, and join research staff, farmer-researchers and...
Virtual Research Office Hours

Virtual Research Office Hours

It’s that time of year again—time to start shaping your questions and curiosities into research ideas!  The virtual Research Office Hours are an open space to ask questions about EFAO’s Farmer-Led Research Program, and join research staff, farmer-researchers and...
Farmer-Led Research Symposium

Farmer-Led Research Symposium

The Farmer-Led Research Symposium is an online gathering where EFAO members share their findings and insights from the 2023 research season. This year you will hear about projects focused on: Easy to pick bush beans; beetle banks in small scale market gardens; Seeding...
Trialing No-till Potatoes with Cover Crops: Year Three

Trialing No-till Potatoes with Cover Crops: Year Three

Since 2021, Ken has been developing a medium-scale production system for organic potatoes that requires no in-season hilling or weeding. Using winter rye as a cover crop, he is now in the third year of testing the system with some success.  Field days are a great way...