Small Grains Winter Webinar Series – Farmer Roundtable

Small Grains Winter Webinar Series – Farmer Roundtable

Come out to this first session of the Small Grains Winter Webinar series to meet and network with other farmers! EFAO’s Small Grains Network is full of folks growing all sorts of grains using innovative, ecological methods. The best resource we have are the...
Ironwood Organics: Selecting the Seed

Ironwood Organics: Selecting the Seed

On Thursday August 31st, join Chris Wooding and other EFAO members for a hands-on demonstration of harvesting and cleaning small to medium scale heritage grains. Chris will take us out to the fields so we can see some of his harvesting techniques, and then we’ll head...
Ironwood Organics: Growing the Grain

Ironwood Organics: Growing the Grain

This event will be offered in both English and French! Please bring a bagged lunch to enjoy on the farm. Chris Wooding has been growing small grains in Athens, Ontario for many years, with the mission to be a leader in growing nutrient dense heritage grains while...