Ecological Health Through Pasture Management

Ecological Health Through Pasture Management

Join Cory Van Groningen from VG Meats for a tour and discussion of pasture health and management techniques, highlighting how to use Ecological Outcome Verification (EOV) to assess pasture health.

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Information Session

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Information Session

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is spreading rapidly and affects small flocks, backyard flocks, commercial operations (both organic and conventional), and wild birds. This session will focus on sharing practical information in order to reduce the risks of contracting and transmitting HPAI.

Pasture-raised chicken breed comparison

Summary ● The Nova Free Ranger, a new meat chicken from Nova Scotia bred for free range living, may better integrate into ecological farms and produce nutritionally-superior meat compared to the industrial White Rock – Cornish Cross. ● Given the fast growth...

Probiotics for pasture-raised chickens

White rock chickens are the industry standard but weight gain is usually lower on pasture than in conventional settings. Feeding them probiotics, therefore, might improve the health and weight gain of pasture-raised chickens. With several products on the market,...