Contract Seed Growing / Culture de semences sous contrat
As interest in and markets for regional seed expand, more farmers are interested in contract seed production. Join us for this virtual session – a follow-up to our popular 2021 Contract Growing webinar – to dive deeper into the world of contract seed production,...
October Seed Growers Online Meet Up
Let’s chat about seed work over lunch! Have a question to share as you harvest and clean your seed? Interested in what other seedkeepers and seed growers are working on at this time of year? Let’s come in from the fields for our informal monthly meetup with other seed...
The Graziers Tool Box
Perennial Pastures with Sarah Flack: Session Two The “graziers tool box” includes using livestock as well as other methods to improve pastures and avoid pasture pitfalls. Topics will include stocking rate, stock densities, trampling, variable regrowth...