Quick turnaround cover crops before brassicas

Part of a multi-farm trial on 5 farms asking the Research Question: Do spring planted cover crops benefit the production of late season brassica cash crops? Kevin’s Specific Question: Does a cover crop cocktail differ from buckwheat monoculture with respect...

Living and dry spring mulches in garlic

Garlic on small organic farms is typically either dry mulched (e.g. straw) or grown in bare soil and cultivated for weed control. Farmers would like to see the soil covered to prevent erosion, increase water retention, and improve soil nutrition. However, water...

Spring planted white clover in garlic

Garlic on small organic farms is typically either dry mulched (e.g. straw) or grown in bare soil and cultivated for weed control. Farmers would like to see the soil covered to prevent erosion, increase water retention, and improve soil nutrition. However, water...