Virtual Research Office Hours

Virtual Research Office Hours

It’s that time of year again—time to start shaping your questions and curiosities into research ideas!  The virtual Research Office Hours are an open space to ask questions about EFAO’s Farmer-Led Research Program, and join research staff, farmer-researchers and...
Young Farmer Potluck at Fertile Ground Farm

Young Farmer Potluck at Fertile Ground Farm

Join your fellow young farmers for a tour of Fertile Ground Farm followed by a potluck! This gathering is a continuation of the young farmer meet-up series planned for this season, hosted by EFAO and NFU locals in the Southwest region. This series will be an...
Young Farmer Potluck at Cedar Down Farm

Young Farmer Potluck at Cedar Down Farm

Join your fellow young farmers for a tour of Cedar Down Farm followed by a potluck! This gathering is a continuation of the young farmer meet-up series planned for this season, hosted by the EFAO and NFU locals in the Southwest region. This series will be an...
Queer Farmer Ice Cream Social

Queer Farmer Ice Cream Social

An introduction to soil properties, how to maintain and build soil health, different types of soils, how to keep soils healthy, and more.

May Seed Growers Online Meet-Up

May Seed Growers Online Meet-Up

Calling all seed saving enthusiasts and green-thumbed comrades! It’s time to cultivate connections and sow the seeds of community together!