Poultry on the Rez

Poultry on the Rez

Learn about the types of soils and their attributes, soil organic matter, and activities that can degrade, maintai, and build healthy soils.

Farmer-Led Research Symposium

Farmer-Led Research Symposium

The Farmer-Led Research Symposium is an online gathering where EFAO members share their findings and insights from the 2024 research season. This year you will learn about multi-farm trials involved in the Living Lab-Ontario project, including: No-till potato using...
Virtual Research Office Hours

Virtual Research Office Hours

It’s that time of year again—time to start shaping your questions and curiosities into research ideas!  The virtual Research Office Hours are an open space to ask questions about EFAO’s Farmer-Led Research Program, and join research staff, farmer-researchers and...
Virtual Research Office Hours

Virtual Research Office Hours

It’s that time of year again—time to start shaping your questions and curiosities into research ideas!  The virtual Research Office Hours are an open space to ask questions about EFAO’s Farmer-Led Research Program, and join research staff, farmer-researchers and...