Silvopasture Meet-Up
Connect with other silvopasture enthusiasts to discuss how your 2022 season is going, share silvopasture trials and tribulations, and talk out your thoughts and experiments.
Connect with other silvopasture enthusiasts to discuss how your 2022 season is going, share silvopasture trials and tribulations, and talk out your thoughts and experiments.
Tour this whole farm ecosystem to learn about pastured sheep, living fences, silvopasture, and much more!
Learn about starting a sheep farm, and the challenges and benefits of integrating sheep into a vegetable farm.
Seasoned farmers discuss rotational grazing including best practices, forage growing cycles, improving forage yield and quality, and more.
Take a virtual tour of Pasture Hill Farm, followed by a presentation on rotational grazing, including best practices, forage growing cycles, and more.