Seed Saving
Do you want to produce some of your seed on-farm? In this webinar you will learn what crops are easiest for beginner-level seed production, how to plan your production to minimize cross pollination, the number of plants required to maintain genetic viability and...
August Seed Growers Online Meet Up
Join our Monthly Seed Grower Meetup, a central gathering point of the EFAO Seed Program where the cultivation of connections and the dissemination of seedy knowledge thrive. Our informal online gatherings are an enriching experience as we delve into the fertile soil...
Kitchen Table Seed House Farm Tour and Seed Saving Demo
Come see a seed farm in action and learn about small scale seed cleaning equipment, cover cropping and selling fresh produce in conjunction with seed saving. Kathy Rothermel and Annie Richard – the humans of Kitchen Table Seed House – are dedicated...
May Seed Growers Online Meet-Up
Calling all seed saving enthusiasts and green-thumbed comrades! It’s time to cultivate connections and sow the seeds of community together!