This document outlines the steps that Nicola and Rebecca will follow to execute their research trial, Cabbage Seed Production Methods, including design, execution, data collection and data sharing. It also serves as a Memorandum of Understanding between Nicola,...
Duane would like to breed a pea that can be planted in the fall and yield early peas, before the heat and drought set in. He’d like to see early production of high quality peas to supply market gardeners and backyard gardeners without the struggles of early...
Northern Ontario faces specific challenges compared to other parts of the province when it comes to seed production, including late springs and early frosts (as early as end of August), followed with a wet fall. The demand for lettuce and greens seed is high, but...
Felicia grows nematode-free garlic, which she sells as clean seed. She’d like to prevent loss to Fusarium and tested a copper spray and biostimulant spray as potential ways to control the fungus. Key Findings • The dry conditions and good seed garlic led to...
With local cut flower production blooming in Ontario, there’s a need for more information on how to grow cut flower seed to meet the demands from growers. However, isolation distance for cut flower seed production is notoriously undocumented and, often,...