If you have always wanted to cultivate mushrooms as a food crop, but wondered how to get started, the Learn to Farm Mushrooms Series with Steve Gabriel is for you!
Mushrooms are a beautiful, varied, high value food crop that can help you diversify your revenue sources — which is why EFAO is pleased to offer a chance to help you learn to grow mushrooms this spring!
Are you wondering what the course is going to be like, or what Steve’s approach is? Steve answers a few questions below to give you an idea of what to expect, and why he is so passionate about mushrooms.
Why are you excited about this course?
Who do you think should sign up for this course?
What do you hope folks who take the course will get out of it?
How do you hope this course will benefit folks’ farming practices?

Log grown shiitake can be grown outside naturally in the woods during summer months.

Blue Oysters on straw; recent research offers improved yields for this low-tech approach.

Oysters on straw can be inoculated in buckets to reduce plastic waste in production.

Header image: Lions mane stump inoculated during woods thinning, fruits in the fall