Brett Israel – Reduced Tillage for Organic Field Crops
Brett Israel of 3 Gen Organics compared soybeans double cropped with winter barley or cereal rye forage, and “alfalfa-fueled” corn as ways to reduce tillage and maintain continuous cover for organic field crops.
Guiding Principles
- Reduce tillage for organic field crop production
- Use a whole system approach to assess to soil health, animal welfare and profitability
Research Strategies Used
- 2021 & 2022 | Field-scale plots of soybeans following winter barley, soybeans following cereal rye for forage, corn following alfalfa with no additional fertilizer
Follow Brett’s Work

A Curious Farmer
Read about Brett Israel’s Living Lab-Ontario project that innovated ways to reduce tillage for organic field crop production.

New Collaborations: Farming a Living Lab
Ken Laing and Brett Israel answer questions about their involvement in the Living Lab – Ontario initiative, what it’s been like so far, and what they hope to accomplish with their research.

EFAO Becomes a Partner in AAFC’s Living Laboratories Initiative
As a collaborator on the Living Lab – Ontario initiative, the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario (EFAO) is one of 10 partners who will facilitate on-farm research trials focused on reduced tillage and continuous cover. EFAO will support two trials, one in organic field crop production and one in organic vegetable production.