Soil Testing 101
After over a decade of trial and error, consulting with experts, and a deep dive down the rabbit hole of soil health, Evan Quigley of The Kitchen Garden
Farm in Wilton, Ontario offers some advice and insights about soil testing.
After over a decade of trial and error, consulting with experts, and a deep dive down the rabbit hole of soil health, Evan Quigley of The Kitchen Garden
Farm in Wilton, Ontario offers some advice and insights about soil testing.
This year, Regeneration Canada launched its Interactive Map of Regenerative Farms in Canada, to promote soil regeneration across the country.
It is well known that extending field crop rotations by adding small grains, such as wheat, barley, oats, triticale, spelt, or rye, has many ecological benefits. Here, we describe the economic benefits as well.
Read the report summarizing EFAO’s 2019 pilot Soil Health Benchmark Study.
EFAO is excited to launch a pilot Small Grains Program that will support Ontario farmers wanting to diversify their crop rotation by adding a small grain followed by a legume cover crop or forage crop. Read about the inspiration for this program and other details.
As part of EFAO’s No-Till Vegetable Trials, Ken Laing is looking at four treatments to compare different methods for rapid regeneration of soil health for vegetable production.