Soils and Spuds: Experimenting with No-Till Potatoes
Watch the video describing Ken Laing’s no-till potato trials.
Watermelons in Thunder Bay? A Landrace Breeding Project
Read about the landrace breeding project for watermelon that Evalisa McIllfaterick and two other farms started in 2022.
We Have a Winner!
The votes are in! The winner o …
Enter to Win the $1000 Carrot Cache Innovation Prize!
The Carrot Cache Innovation Pr …
Call for Curiosity 2023: Answering your on-farm questions with help from EFAO’s Farmer-Led Research Program
Learn about farmer-led research events, workshops, and other opportunities this winter.
Evaluating the EFAO’s Farmer-Led Research Program
In 2020 and 2021, Dr. Erin Nelson surveyed and interviewed EFAO’s farmer-researchers to learn about the impacts of their participation in EFAO’s Farmer-Led Research Program.