Call for Curiosity 2025: Cultivating farmer knowledge with farmer-led research
Learn about farmer-led research funding opportunities, events, and workshops.
Learn about farmer-led research funding opportunities, events, and workshops.
Learn about farmer-led research funding opportunities, events, and workshops.
In 2022, growers from four farms—including two rooftop farms—conduced a fava bean variety trial.
In collaboration with Dr. Erin Nelson at the University of Guelph, EFAO published a paper looking how farmer-led research helps farmers to feel more knowledgeable, confident, motivated, and inspired to adopt and/or improve ecological practices on their farm.
Read about Ken Laing’s Living Lab-Ontario project that innovated ways to reduce tillage for organic vegetable production.
Read about Brett Israel’s Living Lab-Ontario project that innovated ways to reduce tillage for organic field crop production.