Ecological Farming In Ontario

Ecological Farming in Ontario is EFAO’s quarterly print magazine for members. It features articles on practical farming techniques, current issues affecting ecological farmers, and news and updates about EFAO’s programs and services.

Seeking farm staff or have equipment to sell? Place a Classified ad! Classifieds in the EFAO magazine are $15 for members and $25 for non-members, with a 40-word limit.

Please contact with submissions, ads, and all other content-related inquiries.


May - June 2018 • Volume 39 Number 3

Volume 45 | Issue 1

Spring 2024

May - June 2018 • Volume 39 Number 3

Volume 44 | Issue 4

Winter 2023

  • Livestock Guardian Dogs
  • Ecosystem Restoration
  • Farming Game Changers
May - June 2018 • Volume 39 Number 3

Volume 44 | Issue 3

Fall 2023

May - June 2018 • Volume 39 Number 3

Volume 44 | Issue 2

Summer 2023

  • Envisioning a Canadian Farm Resilience Agency
  • Perennials for the Dinner Plate
  • Tillage Reduction for Vegetables and Field Crops

Archive – Older Newsletters


Physical copies of the EFAO newsletter dating back to the early years of the organization are stored in hard copy at the EFAO office. Please contact us for digital or physical copies. Fees may apply.