No-till tomatoes 3-ways 2020 Research Project Soil Health

To further explore no-till techniques, Matt compared no-till tomatoes three ways: compost + landscape fabric, compost + cover crop + landscape fabric, and compost + cardboard + landscape fabric.

In a Nutshell

  • He detected no difference in cumulative or monthly tomato yield among the three methods.
  • He also detected no difference in water infiltration, an indicator of soil health, among the three methods.
  • This data indicates that adding cardboard or cover crops to compost and landscape fabric does not improve yield for no-till tomatoes; and cardboard and cover crops may be a useful means of further building soil without negative effects on yield.

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
Matt Jones
Assessing chronology of soil nutrient status in pastures across a topographic gradient 2020 Research Project Pasture Regeneration

To help him optimize pasture growth, Andy assessed soil nutrient status from the top slope, side slope and bottom slope of a 50–year old pasture and a hay field that he will start grazing in 2021.


  • Organic matter was higher in the older pasture but did not change significantly with topography.
  • Potassium, phosphorus and iron were also higher in the old pasture and potassium was higher on the top slope. Andy observed variations in manganese and copper for reasons that are unknown.
  • Andy’s observations of better soil health at the top of the hills weren’t supported by the basic assessment of soil nutrient status used in this study.

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
Andy Macdonald
Effects of liquid and biological amendments on emergence and yield of no-till planted spring cereals 2020 Research Project Soil Health

To try to hasten emergence and improve yield of no-till planted spring cereals, Ken compared liquid amendment, biological amendment, a combination of amendments and a no-amendment control.

In a Nutshell

  • There was no observable difference in emergence due to amendments.
  • There was no significant difference in yield among the different treatments.

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
Ken Laing
In search of short season northern grain amaranth varieties: A screening trial of grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp) 2020 Research Project Seed Production, Selection & Breeding

Amaranth is climate-resilient and nutrient-dense, and is an important Indigenous plant of the Americas. To learn which varieties of amaranth are best suited for their region of southern Ontario, Ronaldo and Myriam compared five varieties of amaranth in an unreplicated screening trial.

In a Nutshell

  • They observed differences among the varieties in germination, flowering times, flowering patters and yield and think that Grain Amaranth from Richters Herbs and Atitlan Dorado from IMAP Guatemala merit consideration for a replicated trial.

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
Ronaldo Eleazar Lec Ajcot and Myriam Legault
No-till fall broccoli in northern Ontario 2020, 2019 Research Project Cover Crops

Ryan and Isabelle tested whether a crimped cover crop of rye and hairy vetch reduced tillage, cultivation and irrigation for their fall broccoli crop.

In a Nutshell

  • Compared to tillage, the cover crop residue provided sufficient mulch to significantly reduce weeding time and increase soil moisture throughout the growing season by 11%. There was adequate rainfall, so they didn’t need to use irrigation in the tillage plots.
  • Broccoli grown in crimped cover crop mulch had around half the marketable yield compared to the tilled plots.
  • The yield loss combined with no difference in total labour made this no-till system as tested unviable for broccoli production.

Lire le rapport en français

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
Ryan Spence & Isabelle Spence-Legault
In search of short season northern sweet potatoes: Variety trials of new sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) crosses 2020 Research Project Seed Production, Selection & Breeding

To identify the best performing crosses of sweet potato for organic farming systems in the Ottawa area, Kate, Erin and Lise-Anne compared nine new crosses of sweet potato and one check variety (Covington) in a replicated and randomized trial across three farms.

In a Nutshell

  • They identified three varieties that they think are definitely worth continuing to grow and observe, and another two “runner-up” crosses that are alsopromising.

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
Kate Garvie, Erin Richan, Lise-Anne Léveillé
Brocoli d’automne sans labour dans le nord de l’Ontario 2020, 2019 Research Project Soil Health

Ryan et Isabelle ont testé si une culture de couverture sertie de seigle et de vesce velue réduirait le travail du sol, l’entretien de la culture et l’irrigation pour leur récolte de brocolis d’automne.

En Bref

  • Par rapport au travail du sol, les résidus de culture de couverture ont fourni suffisamment de paillis pour réduire consid rablement le temps de d sherbage et augmenter l’humidité du sol tout au long de la saison de croissance avec 11% plus d’humidité que la parcelle de contrôle. Les pluies étaient suffisantes, de sorte qu’ils n’avaient pas besoin d’irriguer les parcelles de labour.
  • Le brocoli cultivé dans le paillis créé par la culture de couverture serti avait environ la moitié du rendement commercialisable par rapport aux parcelles labourées.
  • La perte de rendement combinée à l’absence de différence dans la main-d’oeuvre totale a rendu ce systéme sans labour, tel que testé, non viable pour la production de brocoli.

Read report in english

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
Ryan Spence & Isabelle Spence-Legault
Grafting for organic low-tech greenhouse tomatoes 2020 Research Project Seed Production, Selection & Breeding

As a follow-up to their 2019 multi-farm trial, we compared 5 large tomato varieties and 4 cherry tomato varieties grown by grafting onto four different rootstocks and an ungrafted control.

In a Nutshell

  • The best choice of rootstock was specific to the scion, with some rootstocks producing no improvement
    or even reducing yield for some varieties of scion.
  • Compared to ungrafted plants, Caiman F1 large tomatoes had great yield and profitability when grafted DR0141TX rootstock.
  • Preliminary data suggest that only Sakura cherry tomato may benefit from grafting on Fortanimo or Estanimo, but more replicates are needed to be confident.
  • Preliminary data suggest that grafting “heirloom- like” hybrid varieties tested does not confer a yield advantage, but that open pollinated Striped German maybe benefit from being grafted onto Fortanimo.

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
R. Victor & Nathan Klassen
L’impact de l’utilisation des inoculants mycorhiziens pour sur les transplants de légumes 2020 Research Project Disease & Pest Control

Compte tenu de l’importance incroyable des champignons dans notre monde, Dianne était curieuse de savoir si les inoculants améliorent les rendements de la laitue et des oignons, ces deux espèces étant capable de grandir en relation avec les champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires (AMF).

En Bref

  • En 2019, elle a utilisé pour la première fois des inoculants AMF et a observé des laitues et des oignons particuli rement gros et sains.
  • En 2020, elle a mené un essai randomisé et répété comparant deux inoculants à des témoins non inoculé s pour la laitue Ariana, Cantarix, Nevada et Skyphos et l’oignon Patterson. Bien qu’ils soient également grands et sains, Dianne n’a détecté aucun effet sur le rendement des inoculants.
  • Elle se demande si la conception de l’essai était viciée parce qu’elle a inoculé et / ou ressuscité sans méfiance la communauté mycorhizienne de tout son jardin en 2019.

Read report in english

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
Dianne Kretschmar
Regeneration of fallow fields for vegetable production 2022, 2021, 2020 Research Project Cover Crops

Eric compared five methods of preparing fallow land for vegetable production with respect to soil regeneration and cost to implement.

In a Nutshell

  • Cover crops with micronutrient amendments increased active carbon, a sensitive indicator of soil health and soil regeneration potential.
  • Micronutrient amendment alone did not increase active carbon; and Eric saw no added benefit with respect to soil health of adding chicken manure or woody compost with cover crops.
  • Balancing cost and soil health benefits, Eric will focus on micronutrient application and full season cover crops in areas that require regeneration.

Publish Date
August 11, 2021
Eric Barnhorst
Southern Ontario participatory pepper breeding project 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 Research Project Seed Production, Selection & Breeding

Key Findings

Continuing our work that began in 2016, members of the SeedWorks Plant Breeding Club worked together to breed and release an early, blocky sweet red pepper with good flavour that is adapted to ecological growing systems in southern Ontario. We continue to select for a yellow sweet bell pepper for release in fall 2021/winter 2022.

This trial was multi-year. Earlier reports and protocols can be found using the links below.

Earlier reports

2019 | 2018 | 2017

Earlier protocols

2019 | 2018 | 2017

Publish Date
July 14, 2021
Annie Richard, Kathy Rothermel, Greta Kryger, Rebecca Ivanoff, Kim Delaney and Arron Lyons
Summer green head lettuce variety trial 2021 Research Project Seed Production, Selection & Breeding

The growers’ objective was to document the best green head lettuce for summer production across different farms throughout southern Ontario during the 2021 season.

In a Nutshell

  • Nevada was the top variety with respect to vigor, flavour, longest harvest, disease hardiness, and germination in this trial.
  • Muir was a runner-up to Nevada, but did have some germination issues and did not size up as well.
  • Concept and Encino were the growers’ least favorite varieties this year.
  • Overall, these results are consistent with the 2020 lettuce variety trial.

Publish Date
April 1, 2021
Angie Koch, Ann Slater, Hilary Moore, Martina Schaefer, Roger Thiessen and Romina Bortoluzzi, Roger Rivest, and Sarah Judd
Brocoli sans labour avec tissu couvre-sol dans le nord de l’Ontario 2021 Research Project Soil Health

Suite à leur essai de brocoli sans labour en 2020 avec des cultures de couverture, Ryan et Isabelle ont testé du brocoli sans labour avec du tissu couvre-sol en 2021.

En Bref

  • Le brocoli cultivé en utilisant le traitement sans labour du tissu couvre-sol avait un rendement inférieur et nécessitait plus de maind’œuvre.
  • Malgré la faible performance du brocoli sans labour utilisant des paillis, Ryan et Isabelle croient toujours que le brocoli d’automne dans le nord-est de l’Ontario peut être cultivé avec succès dans un système sans labour, et essaieront probablement le brocoli sans labour sans système de paillis (culture de couverture ou tissu) en 2022.

Read report in english

Publish Date
April 1, 2021
Ryan Spence and Isabelle Spence-Legault
No-till broccoli with landscape fabric in northern Ontario 2021 Research Project Soil Health

As a continuation of their no-till broccoli trial in 2020 using cover crops, Ryan and Isabelle tested no-till broccoli using landscape fabric in 2021.

In a Nutshell

  • Broccoli grown using the no-till treatment of landscape fabric had lower yield and required more labour.
  • Despite poor performance of no-till broccoli using mulches, Ryan and Isabelle still believe that fall broccoli in northeastern Ontario can be grown successfully in a no- till system, and will likely try no-till broccoli without a mulch system (cover crop or fabric) in 2022.

Lire le rapport en français

Publish Date
April 1, 2021
Ryan Spence and Isabelle Spence-Legault
Essai de variétés d’épinards pour la production de semences dans le nord-ouest de l’Ontario 2021, 2020 Research Project Seed Production, Selection & Breeding

Les producteurs du nord-ouest de l’Ontario voulaient identifier les variétés d’épinards qui conviennent le mieux à la production de semences dans leur région.

En Bref

  • Matador et Popeye figuraient parmi les variétés préférées des producteurs, se classant en tête dans la plupart des catégories.
  • Giant Winter était la variété la moins appréciée des producteurs et était classée en dernière position dans presque toutes les catégories.
  • Les épinards plantés plus tard à l’automne (ensemencés sur sol gelé) n’ont pas survécu donc n’ont pas pu produire des graines au sein de cet essai.
  • D’après des données non répétées, les plantations du début de l’automne ont hiverné avec succès et montrent une tendance à une production de graines plus élevée.

Read report in english

Publish Date
April 1, 2021
Evalisa McIllfaterick and Janna van Blyderveen & Jordan Lees
Oat variety trial 2021 Research Project Seed Production, Selection & Breeding
Norm compared three varieties of oats under similar management strategies to see which variety worked best for his farm operation in eastern Ontario.

In a Nutshell

  • Orford yielded the highest among the three varieties in the trial.
  • Bullet had the highest test weight among the three varieties, although its yield was the most variable.
  • The addition of N in a side-by- side unreplicated trial showed a promising return on investment among all three varieties but more work and replication is needed to verify and reinforce these findings.


NB: This report was updated January 2023.

Publish Date
April 1, 2021
Norm Lamothe
No-till sunflowers in northern Ontario 2021, 2020 Research Project Soil Health

Becky’s goal was to see if it was possible to establish land for cut flower production on existing perennial pastures using no-till methods.

In a Nutshell

  • Poor germination across her replicated trial comparing cover crop mulch, deep compost mulch and tillage (control) resulted in no appreciable results to note.
  • Becky had good luck growing sunflowers in two demonstration plots that she tarped for 12 months and 2 months.
  • Becky recommends using tarps for 2-12 months ahead of planting into perennial pasture.

Lire le rapport en français

Publish Date
April 1, 2021
Becky Porlier
In search of short season northern grain amaranth varieties: A variety trial of grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) 2021 Research Project Seed Production, Selection & Breeding

The growers’ objective was to document the best short season northern grain amaranth variety for production across different farms throughout southern Ontario during the 2021 growing season.

In a Nutshell

  • Golden Giant, Opopeo, and Atitlan Dorado all performed well and were overall favourites among the growers.
  • The Grain Amaranth from Richters Herbs was the growers least preferred variety and didn’t perform as well as the other varieties but ranked top in flavour for growers.
  • Despite this, growers are interested in adapting this variety because of its good flavour, early flowering, and wide genetics which they hope means they can work with the population to create an ideal variety for their farm.
  • Growers’ enjoyed learning about grain amaranth production and its story but more work is needed to determine if production at the small and mid-sized scale is feasible with the harvesting and processing labour time.

Publish Date
April 1, 2021
Ronaldo Eleazar Lec Ajcot and Myriam Legault, Kristine Hammel, Phil Mount, Rob Read, Tarrah Young, Janna Van Blyderveen
Shallow vs deep tillage in permanent beds for onions 2021 Research Project Soil Health
To test whether permanent beds can grow onions well with only shallow tillage (1.5 inches) as compared to deep and shallow tillage.

In a Nutshell

  • Jeff found no difference in onion yield (weight) between the tillage treatments.
  • Seeing no adverse effects from using only shallow tillage gives Jeff confidence to try more minimum tillage for bed preparation in the future.
  • Yankee variety outperformed Norstar by an average of 20% more by weight.

Publish Date
April 1, 2021
Jeff Boesch
Quinoa screening trial 2021 Research Project Seed Production, Selection & Breeding

In 2021, Dean assessed 6 varieties of quinoa under organic management practices. The goal was to choose the best suited variety for future large-scale production and direct market sales to local consumers.

In a Nutshell

  • Quinoa is a slow growing, non-competitive plant that can be a finicky crop to produce!
  • It’s hard to differentiate between closely related weeds such as lamb’s quarters during the first 8 weeks of production.
  • In a direct seeded quinoa crop, traditional large scale organic weeding practices were challenging, and the use of a rotary hoe was deemed impractical.
  • Buffy and Brightest Brilliant Rainbow were the best performers in this trial under 2021 conditions.

Publish Date
April 1, 2021
Dean Orr