In search of short season northern sweet potato varieties: Selection and evaluation of new sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) crosses

Farmer: Kate Garvie

Farm: Heartbeet Farm

Region: East

Publish Date: February 6, 2018

Article Type: Research Project

Research Priorities: Seed Production, Selection & Breeding 

As demand for sweet potatoes grows in Canada, breeders are working to create sweet potatoes that are adapted to eastern Ontario. In the first year of the project, Kate selected sweet potatoes that are best suited for low input, organic systems in eastern Ontario.

Progress to Date

  • Kate evaluated nearly 60 genetically unique and
    diverse sweet potato tubers.
  • After final evaluations of taste and storability, Kate
    will choose 15 varieties and trial them in 2020.
  • Kate collected seeds from the vines that produced
    seed, which is germplasm for future breeding.