Get Involved

Become a Member
By joining or renewing your membership with EFAO, you connect to the wisdom and knowledge of an incredible community of farmers and supporters. Membership >

Receive the E-News
Sign up for the general EFAO E-Newsletter, the Seed Program E-Newsletter, or the Small Grains E-Newsletter.

Attend an Event
EFAO offers year-round farmer-to-farmer training including field days, workshops, kitchen table meetings and webinars on a broad range of topics for farms of all scales. Events >

Conduct research for your farm
Tap into your curiosity to answer your on-farm questions and learn from other farmer-led research projects. Learn more >

Attend the EFAO Conference
EFAO’s biggest event of the year! Learning, idea-sharing, networking and celebration with good food and friends. Conference website >

Your gift enables us to continue to support farmer-led education, research and community building towards an ecological agriculture. Donate >

Contribute to the EFAO magazine
Share your knowledge through the printed newsletter, Ecological Farming in Ontario, or the online blog. Magazine >
Join the EFAO Board
Find out more about what it means to be an EFAO board member, and how you can apply to join the board. Learn more >

Join a Network
Member networks connect around specific topics and communicate via Google Groups or Whatsapp. Connect with fellow members. Join a Network >

Participate in New Farmer training
EFAO’s New Farmer Programs offer training, mentorship and support to new and aspiring farmers in Ontario. Learn more >

Wear your support for EFAO
Look good on and off the farm with EFAO merchandise. Shop now>

Find a Member
There are EFAO members across Ontario. Get to know your neighbours! Visit the member directory. >