By Farmers, For Farmers
As farmers, we know how to make agriculture part of the solution to climate change. That’s why Farmers for Climate Solutions created FaRM.
FaRM is based on the idea that farmers learn best from other farmers. By sharing information and ideas, we can all make our operations more resilient and profitable.
FaRM is a free learning hub offering online resources, access to experienced farmer mentors, and a network of farmers in your region and across Canada to help you adopt practices that reduce emissions and build resilience.

Reduce input costs, boost productivity, improve soil health.
Farmers have climate solutions:

Want to reduce your Nitrogen bill, but worried about sacrificing yield?

Interested in growing cover crops, but not sure where to start?
EFAO President Katrina McQuail is also a farmer-mentor in the Advanced Grazing Systems Category!
Katrina is eager to share her knowledge and support other farmers who are applying the principles of rotational grazing to improve soil health in their pastures. Have a question about rotational grazing? Want to make sure you’re doing it “right”? Not sure how to make it work on your farm? Katrina is here to help — and the best way to reach her is by text message (SMS)! You can reach Katrina at (226) 667 6699.
Ken Laing is a farmer-mentor in the Cover Cropping Category!
Are you interested in learning more about cover crops and working with Ken? Ken Laing of Orchard Hill Farm is a longtime EFAO member and farmer-mentor in the Cover Cropping Category. He is now available to consult with you for FREE in this role until August 31, 2024. You can reach out to him via text at 519 775 2670 or email him at