Multi Species Regenerative Grazing with Up North Lamb Co.
Thursday July 3 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
All Indigenous growers, land stewards and community members are welcome to attend this field day free of charge! Please use the coupon code LAMB2025 when filling out the registration form to receive free admission.
Join us for a hands-on Field Day at Up North Lamb Co., where we’ll explore regenerative grazing, aseasonal lambing, and multi-species livestock management. Since 2021, the farm has been converting intensively cropped land into pasture using portable electric fencing, strategic grazing, and livestock integration to build soil health and extend the grazing season.
What We’ll Cover:
- Setting up portable paddocks & water systems for managed grazing
- Different grazing strategies (total grazing, trample grazing, stockpiling for winter)
- The role of rest periods in pasture regeneration
- Integrating multiple livestock species for land and animal health
- Using CSA agriculture to grow a regenerative farm
What You’ll See:
- Six classes of livestock, including sheep, cattle, and poultry
- Livestock Guardian Dog management systems
- Pastures in various stages of regeneration
- Three electric fencing systems & a DIY solar fence setup
- Portable water systems for rotational grazing
Biosecurity Requirements:
To protect the health of our livestock, we will have a boot wash station set up upon arrival. Please wear off-farm footwear that can be washed before entering the farm. For biosecurity reasons, no one will be permitted inside the poultry pasture, but we will be able to stand alongside it to discuss poultry management and production.
This event is a great opportunity to learn from experienced graziers, see regenerative farming in action, and connect with others passionate about sustainable livestock production. Whether you are new to managed grazing or looking for ideas to refine your own system, this Field Day will provide valuable insights and practical takeaways.
About the host:
Andrew and Heather Johnson owner/operators of Up North Lamb Co. run an 83 acre commercial sheep operation with a focus on sustainably managed regenerative grazing and wildlife friendly predator control. They produce fat lambs for commercial holiday markets and grass fed lambs for direct to consumer sales. With a strong focus on sheep, they also incorporate pastured poultry and beef (for their family table) into their grazing rotation. They have been regeneratively managing grass for over 15 years on their own operation, previously producing 2000 organic fed pastured chickens through CFO’s artisanal program. Outside of their farm operation, Andrew and Heather enjoy listening to music, gardening, processing meat for their table and making preserves.
This field day is supported by funding from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario.