Quick turnaround cover crops before brassicas
Farmer: Ryan Thiessen, Kevin Hamilton, Angie Koch, Ken Laing, Mike Reid
Farm: Creek Shore Farms, Shared Harvest Community Farm, Fertile Ground Farm, Orchard Hill Farm, Kolapore Gardens
Region: Ontario
Publish Date: February 6, 2018
Article Type: Research Project
Research Priorities: Cover Crops
Part of a multi-farm trial on five farms asking the research question: Do spring planted cover crops benefit the production of late season brassica cash crops?
- Organic vegetable growers use cover crops to improve soil fertility and tilth and control weeds.
- Five growers evaluated summer cover crops to determine benefits to N-demanding late season brassicas.
- Specific cover crop comparisons included bell/fava bean (legume) vs. no cover crop control; cocktails containing a legume (bell/fava bean, peas, white clover) vs. buckwheat control.
Key Findings
- Dry conditions in the spring impeded germination resulting in “lacklustre growth [that was] not nearly competitive
enough to deter weeds” or mature enough to effectively mow, resulting in very little meaningful cover crop or
brassicas yield data. - Buckwheat came up better than other species, making it the most drought tolerant of the species grown; at
Angie’s, buckwheat had 6+ times greater biomass than the oats/peas/fava cocktail (P<0.01).